Check it out: “Why Trees Matter” from It’s Not Easy To Be Green

Since our program works so hard to help educate our community about waste in an effort to get more people composting, I thought this post from It’s Not Easy To Be Green was highly informative on why trees are important to our environment.

Why Trees Matter « It’s Not Easy To Be Green.

Check it out! Composting in NYC School District from

A pilot composting program in NYC school districts cuts food waste by 85 percent!

The move reduced the eight pilot schools’ cafeteria waste by an astounding 85 percent. That number benefits the environment and the district, saving 450 pounds of food waste from landfills each day and saving an estimated $3,000 in garbage bags and $3,700 in disposal fees for the pilot schools each year.

If they can get students to learn about composting, imagine the possibilities in work environments.